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3 Ways to Make your 2018 Count

AdSpark Team - 6 years ago

First 2 weeks of the year have passed; did you make it count?

Whether you welcomed the year with a huge holiday hangover or have been too giddy to start the year right, marketers are expected to be geared up for the year ahead.

If you aren’t too sure yet of your marketing initiatives or maybe you’re still looking to benchmark, here are few ways to make your 2018 count.


  1.      Really Know What You are Doing

In an age of analytics, it is unforgivable to launch campaigns with a blind eye. Marketers must address particular pain points when producing campaigns with a very specific target market in mind. The channels of distribution, the timing of online publishing and offline activations, and other campaign aspects must all be based on data insights.

If you are yet to familiarize yourself with data-driven marketing, we suggest you read Data-Driven Marketing: The Answer to the C-Suite’s Demands . It briefly explains how embracing a data strategy brings a chain of benefits to your brand that will substantially improve your sales.

And if you are ready for a deep dive, Making Your Data Analytics Work For You explains how to make use of your unprecedented data. 

Data gathering and analysis may seem intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, you would wish you started earlier.


  1.    Try Something New.

If you want something you have never had, you have to do something you have never done.

Only the insane expect different results from doing the same things. Yeah?

This goes particularly true for businesses. Brands must be quick to adapt and be open-minded as this age of analytics brings tons of MarTech advances. The what seemed to be “futuristic” is already the “now” of forward-thinking brands. It has become so widespread that customers have grown accustomed to it.

The best examples are artificial intelligence and voice search marketing. These digital solutions have been under the limelight for quite some time and are now ready to take over. To read more about these technologies, we suggest you check How AI is Changing the Way We Live and The Growing Potential of Voice Search.

  1.     Put your Audience First

With so much technology innovations, how do you not get caught up? How do you keep a customer-centric approach amidst the disruptions?

Here are few ways to make sure you are putting your audience first.

a. Know your customers by heart.

Familiarize yourself with the persona of your audience. Know their demographics, psychographics, and understand what your customers truly want. Determine your audience’s pain points and find out how your brand can solve it for them. Remember to not make light of the challenges and issues they are facing. Lastly, never take advantage of a controversial situation to sell your brand.

b. Be strategic when using marketing technologies.

Be aware of the trends and forecasts but don’t get easily swayed. The hottest technology raved by industry experts may seem good for other brands but maybe not for your brand. Carefully evaluate the digital solutions offered to you and ask yourself, “Will this benefit the brand and my customers?”

If the answer is one-sided, think again.

c. Have a relationship with your customers.

And with this we mean, cherish human connection on top of all the automations. Personalized emails and automated real-time replies are good ways to make your customers feel special. However, people naturally gravitate to sincere and genuine actions. Continue listening to your customers, respond to their concerns, and value them as much as you value your brand. As Michael Leboeuf said, “A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.”


Islam, S. ( 2017, December 26) Content Marketing Predictions for 2018. Retrieved from https://insights.newscred.com/content-marketing-2018/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=insights&utm_content=oc&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT1dZeU56UTVaV0V5WlRJeSIsInQiOiJ3SVVpWmJyZ0NnTE15T2JJc0pNbU5sN3ZtckwrVE1LQUxhWDRiMmcwQnNPVFhWR1dFWE52ajVcL0w3bktReDByTG94M056ZUFONVUwbzUra0hFTFYwSjkya20rMmg3R1J3bzlrSXdNRkJLWFd1RkJqTUg2Mmo0WDFwUGNsaXEwU3cifQ%3D%3D
Huff, M. (2017, December 5). Five Ways for Marketers to Implement a Customer-Centric Mindset. Retrieved from https://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2017/33251/five-ways-for-marketers-to-implement-a-customer-centric-mindset?adref=nlt120517
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